Welcome to my blog for the production of a music video on the track 'Insomnia' by the iconic Faithless

Track Choice: Faithless- Insomnia

Monday, 24 March 2014

Mag Ad

This is my final draft of the Magazine Ad this would be a full page ad in Mix Magazine as it is suited to our target audience, which my research suggested. This mag ad follows all of the main magazine ad conventions which i have summarised in a vod-cast. Audience feedback suggested that this should be our magazine ad as it shows a clear link between all 3 texts. 

This is another full page mag ad draft i designed. In comparison to our final mag ad, it is lacking in some places for example the link between the ad and the digipak as i haven't included an image of the digipak. However, this ad does follow the main mag ad conventions. This mag ad was liked by our target audience however we felt that the one above was a better ad. We liked them both with either a black or white background as both were equally effective in grabbing audience attention.

These are the half page magazine ads i designed were for the likes of our secondary audience. We opted to design half page ads because this would require much less of a budget to advertise in our secondary target audiences magazine ads which again i highlighted in my magazine ad vod-cast. I kept the half page ads brief to act as teaser adverts. This is why these ads do not include the main mag ad conventions.

This is an ad from my Tube station draft ideas. This would be our final teaser ad, the tube station ideas were very different to the other mag ads i designed as none of these included an image of our artist or had no link between our music video and the ads themselves. I designed the tube station ads to focus more on Faithless' British heritage, this ad still includes the key conventions. However, it is a teaser ad which is why i included the text 'the only UK performance'.

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